Designing for a
better world.
Curiosity has always been the driving force behind the industrial- and digital product design at Design-People. Ever since 2005, we have been asking the questions that take our clients’ businesses to the next level. We prioritize understanding the needs, motivations, and barriers for each user in order to find out where the meaningful value lies for the business.
We know design isn’t just about making a product easy on the eyes. Our goal is to simplify and improve product experiences by applying a strategic design thinking approach to our work. In the end, we believe this leads to better solutions for people and for the planet.

We are a multidisciplinary creative team.
Here’s what that looks like.
Friends of the house
Want to join our team of industrial and digital product design experts?
Unsolicited application
We are constantly seeking design talents at Design-People, whether it's in insights, industrial design, or digital design. Feel free to reach out by sending a greeting to