People make it happen

Designing for a better world.

Curiosity has always been the driving force behind the industrial- and digital product design at Design-People. Ever since 2005, we have been asking the questions that take our clients’ businesses to the next level. We prioritize understanding the needs, motivations, and barriers for each user in order to find out where the meaningful value lies for the business.

We know design isn’t just about making a product easy on the eyes. Our goal is to simplify and improve product experiences by applying a strategic design thinking approach to our work. In the end, we believe this leads to better solutions for people and for the planet.

Ergonomic and intuitive design for life-threatening situations

Ambu aScope 3
Industrial Product Design, Insights & HMI Review
Medical & Healthcare
Ergonomic and intuitive design for life-threatening situations

Ambu sought assistance from Design-People to tackle the ergonomic and user interface aspects of the product aScope 3, a handheld single-patient video scope designed for visual guidance during intubations. Focusing on the components outside the patient area, the design team shaped a new handle, emphasizing usability and design coherence.

Henrik Mathiassen
CEO, Founder
Ergonomic and intuitive design for life-threatening situations
Ergonomic and intuitive design for life-threatening situations
Ergonomic and intuitive design for life-threatening situations
Life-threatening situations

aScope 3 is operated by doctors and anesthesiologists and is frequently used in life-threatening situations that requires speed and precision, due to the diverse anatomy of airways. Knowing these intubations can be very challenging, the design-team set out to investigate use scenarios, to ensure a design that strengthens and guides the operation.

By observing real use scenarios with patients and the existing device, the design team, combined with self-tests in a test lab, could map out the different user journeys, including crucial pain points, challenges, and opportunities. This resulted in a solid foundation for Design-People to design from.

Ergonomic and intuitive design for life-threatening situations

Ambu sought assistance from Design-People to tackle the ergonomic and user interface aspects of the product aScope 3, a handheld single-patient video scope designed for visual guidance during intubations. Focusing on the components outside the patient area, the design team shaped a new handle, emphasizing usability and design coherence.
The result

Crafting the concepts, Design-People explored various directions regarding shape, size, texture, and placement of physical controls. This was done thorugh sketches and real-size mock-ups, that was tested and reviewed in sessions with Ambu and experienced users.

With focus on ergonomics, user-friendliness, and a commitment to reliability and hygiene, the new aScope 3 design resulted in a versatile and intuitive solution for healthcare professionals. Design-People managed to uphold a quality feel and high design standard, while ensuring a low production cost, for the single-use product, securing market competition. The design has since been used as a flagship, utilizing the design for new products in the product series.

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Communication design that saves lives
The app that supports healthy work habits
Digital ・ Insights
Turning an unknown product into a winning export